I'm sending along a reminder that the FEAST Steering Committee will be appointing a new publications chair.  If you're interested, please submit a brief proposal (and CV) to me by May 1st.  The steering committee will review applications in May so that the new person can start in June.


----- Forwarded Message -----
>From: Lisa Schwartzman <[log in to unmask]>
>To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]> 
>Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 12:20 PM
>Subject: FEAST publications chair - call for nominations
>The Steering Committee of FEAST would like to invite nominations for a new Publications Chair/Editor.  Sally Scholz, who currently serves in this role, will become Editor of Hypatia starting in July 2013, and she has asked the Steering Committee to find a replacement for her.
>I'm posting the description of the position below.  Sally is willing to stay on until we find a replacement, which we would like to do by June.  A proposal for a FEAST special issue (connected with the theme of the upcoming conference) was recently submitted to Hypatia.  The proposal was written by Jean Keller and Bonnie Mann, and if accepted, they will be the editors of this special issue.  The person/s selected to serve as the next Publications Chair/s would be responsible for seeing this issue through to publication (and perhaps helping to secure publication elsewhere if the proposal is not accepted by Hypatia).  The new publications chair will have
 the opportunity to work on the next special issue/volume as well. (See below--the term length is from 2 to 5 years.)
>If you are interested, please submit a brief proposal (along with CV's) to me by May 1, 2013.  
>Lisa Schwartzman 
>Chair of FEAST Steering Committee
>IV. Publications Chair/ Editor(s)[revised 6/17/2011]
>            IV.1.
Publications Chair – The FEAST Steering Committee
structure will include an appointed, ex officio (non-voting) Publications Chair
who is responsible for seeking publication of the FEAST sponsored works. (This
person cannot also be an elected, voting member of the Steering Committee.)
>            IV.2.
General -- The FEAST Publication Chair, under
normal circumstances, is also the editor of the FEAST volume.  This person will be responsible for the
production of the collection of papers and/or a special issue of a Journal
(e.g., Hypatia) orientated around the
same theme with a call for papers suitable for FEAST submission.
>            IV.3. Appointment of FEAST Publications Chair (Decided October 2004): The Steering Committee will
invite and evaluate proposals to decide who will serve as FEAST Publications
Chair with the following job description:  
>1. Length
of service is at least two years, and no more than five
During this period, the publications chair serves as an editor of FEAST
publications and is responsible for producing volumes that are based on
papers from the biennial conference.  The Publications Chair, in consultation with the FEAST Steering
Committee, is to seek a suitable publication venue for revised selected papers
from the biennial conference.  Successful
venues have included publication of a book length collection of essays, special
arrangement for a FEAST volume with Hypatia:
A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, and proposal of a special issue of a
journal according with the FEAST conference topic.
>3. The
editor(s) is/are responsible for and exercise significant autonomy with regard
a. the design of the volumes,
b. the choice of topics within volumes
c. determining whether or not to invite contributions along with publishing a
call for papers. 
>    4.
Each of the FEAST sponsored publications will express the relationship to FEAST
in a manner that has already been established, which may be modified in
consultation with the FEAST Steering Committee.
>5. Any book
contracts must be approved by the FEAST Steering Committee but are between
actual volume editors and the publisher.
>6. The
editor(s) will consult with the FEAST Steering Committee as need arises and
report their activities to The FEAST Steering Committee when appropriate.
>7. The Publications Chair will
serve as a nonvoting member of the FEAST Steering Committee.
>Proposals may be submitted
by one to three interested persons. They should be brief, take into
consideration the job description, and reflect the credentials of the
interested parties.
>            IV.4. Term – The
Publications chair term will extend through an entire publication cycle.  The position may be renewed once for a total
of two publication cycles.  It is
expected that there will be some overlap of publication chairs as the
publishing process often must be started well in advance of the biennial
conference.  In such a case, the
Publications Chairs will communicate and coordinate a smooth transition, with
the outgoing Chair given precedence. 
>Lisa H. Schwartzman
>Associate Professor, Philosophy
>Associate Chair and Graduate Program Director
>Department of Philosophy
>Michigan State University
>368 Farm Lane
>503 South Kedzie Hall
>East Lansing, MI  48824-1032
>ph:  517-353-9391 (office); 355-4490 (dept.)
>e-mail: [log in to unmask]


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