Lynne --
Nothing to do with the profession as I have known and have survived in it.
But a generation makes a difference.
U. Ghana

From: Lynne Tirrell <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2013 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: Call for action: Please list your work!

Thanks Shay and Ann and Alison for very helpful posts. I think a lot of people do not understand how very inclusive PhilPapers is. YOU are in control of your profile and the listings for your papers. If your work isn't there, just load it up. 

*make a PROFILE. This is really easy, and allows you and others a one-stop place to see your work. (When you are done, do the same on, which gets your work out to other disciplines as well. That's a whole different enterprise, but worth looking into.)

*upload your BIBILIOGRAPHY: ALL OF IT (unless some is not philosophy at all).

*upload ABSTRACTS for your papers: this is important. The abstract really helps get attention for your work and helps the PhilPapers editors with categorizing.

*CATEGORIZE your own papers. More on this below. You don't need to depend on us to do it, and you will likely do a better and more complete job because you know your paper best. If your paper is on feminist reproductive ethics, for example, you should not only tag it as feminist ethics, and reproductive ethics (a leaf area of Philosophy of Sexuality that is edited by Ruchika Mishra) but also put it in BioEthics. (Look at the mainstream categories too.) 

The main PhilPapers  categorizing criterion is this: that the category should be a major focus of the work in question. (So a brief mention of a philosopher doesn't warrant adding that philosopher's category to your categories.) In general, you want the paper's top 1-3 areas to be the category terms.

Where I'm coming from:  I'm the Area Editor for Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality, which has Feminism as a "Middle"  area and Feminist Ethics as a "leaf" area. Many of you work in multiple areas within this very broad category that I edit. My job, at the broadest part of this network, is to take the articles that land on my desk and farm them over to the Feminist Philosophy editors (Bailey and Garry) &/or the Philosophy of Gender editor (Currently open) &/or the Philosophy of Sexuality editor (Benjamin Smart), &/or the Philosophy of Sexual Orientation editor (Christopher D. Horvath ) &/or the Philosophy of Race editor (open, but David Miguel Gray is doing many of the leaf areas). 

As you might guess, many papers come in that have feet in more than one area. I tag (categorize) them as belonging in these middle areas so that they land on the desks of those editors. I also try to find other category topics to tag the papers with so that they correctly appear in multiple places within PhilPapers. So a feminist paper often will have category terms outside the Gender, Race, Sexuality Area, because it is also metaphysics or ethics or phil law or whatever. This categorizing is very important, but if you leave it to us, we just won't be able to do as good a job as you can. We'll try, of course, but you know the intersections of your work better than anyone, and the categories are supposed to help get people from one or another of these intersections to find your work.

Inclusion: There is no intent to leave anyone out of PhilPapers, in fact, we actively go out looking for recent publications. The project also went back and loaded past journals.  Journals upload new issues, Hypatia does, for example, but as Ann Garry pointed out, papers published in books tend not to be uploaded by the publisher. Load yours! Categorize them! Add the abstract right away. If the publication didn't require an abstract, write one. It will get your paper more attention, truly, or at least help get it to the people who need or want to learn about your topic.

Also, those of you editing books: upload the papers within your books. This will get your book more attention too. Maybe you can pressure the publisher to load this info onto PhilPapers as a matter of future practice.

There are openings for editors, especially for leaf categories, so look over this page and see if there's a spot for which you'd like to apply.
Here's what PhilPapers says about applying:
Applications to be a category editor can be lodged from a category's main page. When no editor has been assigned to a category, an application link will be present on the category page. When an editor has been assigned, the editors' name will be present instead. After an editor steps down, the application link will be reintroduced.
Easy! And really, to get the job, you just need publications within the area. So please think about it.


Lynne Tirrell
Associate Professor of Philosophy
U Mass Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston MA 02125-3393

From: Feminist ethics and social theory <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Ann Garry <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2013 12:59 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Call for action: Please list your work!
I'm not just saying "ditto" here (though i am saying that as well), but pointing out that in order to increase the number of citations of women (I'm sure members of the list have seen Kieran Healy's study ) we need to make sure that women's work is easily accessible (ok, that's not sufficient, but it can't hurt).  PhilPapers listings appear close to the top of searches --at least the ones my computer is trained to do.

Just search for yourself in and see what work of yours isn't there (or isn't categorized properly--correct categorizing helps!) and upload it.  It really doesn't take long.  It's particularly important to upload papers that were in books rather than journals.  They get overlooked more easily.

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 4:51 PM, Witt, Charlotte <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Thanks Shay for explaining how to add a profile and papers.  I'm editing Feminist History of Philosophy and I invite & encourage everyone to add their work to this category (as well as the others of course).

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 23, 2013, at 7:44 PM, "Kathryn Norlock" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Even if you already have a profile on PhilPapers, adn you assume it is an accurate profile, this is a good time to double-check!  I assumed my monograph was already categorized as "Feminist Ethics" and it was not.  Thanks to Shay, it is now!


Kathryn Norlock ([log in to unmask])

Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 19:42:12 -0400
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Call for action: Please list your work!
To: [log in to unmask]

Can I cobble on to this please Shay?  
As the philpapers editor for Continental Feminism and Poststructural Feminism, I'd like to second this. If you have work that broadly fits into either of these two categories please do the same! (In fact this goes for all the categories within feminist philosophy. As Philpapers broadens its reach it's extremely important that our work is as well-represented there as possible, and we all know about women's traditional reluctance in the area of self-promotion!  Please take a moment!)
----- Original message -----
From: Shay Welch <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Call for action: Please list your work!
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 19:33:36 -0400
Dear FEASTies,
I'm editor of the Feminist Ethics category in philpapers.  I'm finding a dearth of listings in this area.  When attempting to list key works on the category page I was surprised to find that a number of core monographs and edited anthologies is not listed.  I attempted to add some but the amount of time it would take me to get all the good stuff in would be substantial and I'm a bit short on time right now.  Please take the time to go in an list your publications- this will also give rise to more citation (junior faculty, I'm looking at you!).  Simply go in and make a profile, if you do not have one, and then click submit material from the blue menu at the top and then choose "submit".  The tricky part is choosing the category after you've given the publication info.  Go to value theory- philo of sex, gender- feminist philo- feminist approaches- then feminist ethics and select.  I'm being as inclusive as possible so if your work even addresses normative issues, please add yourself! 
All my best,
Shay Welch
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Spelman College
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