Hello FEAST-ies,

One more reminder that the deadline for applying to the NEH Summer Institute on Diverse Philosophical Approaches that I’m directing this June is coming up: March 1. All details can be found here: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__blogs.elon.edu_neh_&d=DwIGaQ&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=HUp8-bkYMlNgd3ZJBxWBKsBsFAFGHrEZg21p9gxugJA&m=297GY6jrCYqrHhmNsWpk-77baIDOY_Gk5eUykWK-HYE&s=MdzB4br_jnVHiXSvyBCdJ4HN6isgQoyqE9yEQIk-H-g&e= .

I would really appreciate your help in getting the word out to college and university instructors who may be interested. We save five spaces for adjunct/contingent faculty.

Let me know if you have any questions!


Ann J. Cahill
Professor of Philosophy
Director, Lumen Prize
Elon University
(336) 278-5703


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