Thanks, Steve!

The critiques of contextualism seem weak to me. They don't take into account developmental differences and changes through the lifespan (where some characteristics may be consistent for a time and then shift as the dynamism of development continues).

Further, the implicit assumption of the critique assumes that one can measure meaningful consistencies across time--sure but they are veneers of the dynamism of being a human being (unless a person has been toxically stressed/traumatized and oppressed into being robotic and rigid). Lots of information is lost in trying to categorize things one way or another.

Social cognitive theory of personality offers at least a remedy to thinking about personality consistency: rather than a trait carried situation to situation (as trait theory tends to assume), there is a consistent personality signature in a person by context variability across situations (e.g., extrovert with family, introvert at work).

But a virtuous person responds to each situation appropriately (e.g., with compassion and egolessness). Each situation is different so behavior is different each time. Holistic virtue cannot be measured in a controlled manner, since every situation is different and requires different skills/responses appropriate at that moment.


On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 9:03 AM, nysa71 <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
So would Heraclitus be an example of a Contextualist considering quotes like:

"You could not step twice into the same river."

Everything changes and nothing stands still."

All entities move and nothing remains still."


~ Jason Bessey

On Sunday, January 28, 2018, 10:28:02 PM EST, Steven Quackenbush <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hello ToK Community,

Attached is the penultimate episode of Stephen Pepper's World Hypotheses.  
Included as a special bonus feature is an optional "deleted scene"! 

~ Steve Q.  


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Darcia Narvaez (DAR-sha narv-EYES)
Professor of Psychology, 118 Haggar Hall, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame IN 46556 USA
[log in to unmask], 574-631-7835

My University Website

Also see

Blog at Psychology Today: Moral Landscapes
Former Editor, Journal of Moral Education
Interviews and Podcasts 
Embodied Morality: Protectionism, Engagement and Imagination (Palgrave-Macmillan)
Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality: Evolution, Culture and Wisdom (Norton; discount: NARVAEZ)

Evolution, Early Experience and Human Development (OUP)
Ancestral Landscapes in Human Evolution (OUP)
Young Child Flourishing: Evolution, Family & Society (OUP)

Self, Motivation and Virtue Project 

CONFERENCE VIDEOS: Sustainable Wisdom: Integrating Indigenous Knowhow for Global Flourishing  
Families for Conscious Living

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