*Society for Women in Philosophy, Ireland*

*In association with (in Parenthesis), University of Durham and University
of Liverpool*

*6th Annual Conference and General Meeting of SWIP-Ireland*

*17-19 May, 2018*

*University College Dublin, Ireland*

*Women in Philosophy: Past, Present and Future*

*True it is, Spinning with the Fingers is more proper to our Sexe, then
studying or writing Poetry, which is the Spinning with the braine: but I
having no skill in the Art of the first (and if I had, I had no hopes of
gaining so much as to make me a Garment to keep me from the cold) made me
delight in the latter – Margaret Cavendish*

*Though academic philosophy is still a male-dominated discipline, and the
canon of philosophy is largely male, the future of philosophy promises to
be less so. After years of scholarly neglect, the contribution of a large
number of women philosophers across the ages is now being recognised – from
medieval mystics to Enlightenment philosophers of science to founding
mothers of analytic philosophy and phenomenology. At the same time, broad
consensus is afoot that certain disciplinary norms, once-entrenched, no
longer serve our discipline and have contributed to the attrition of female
talent from philosophy. This SWIP-Ireland conference, in collaboration with
In Parenthesis, showcases work on the broad topic of Women in Philosophy:
Past, Present and Future, and includes the following keynote speakers:

   - Eileen Brennan (Dublin City University)
   - Nancy Cartwright (Durham University)
   - Siobhan Chapman (University of Liverpool)
   - Kristin Gjesdal (Temple University)
   - Sally Haslanger (MIT)
   - Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir (University of Iceland)

We invite you to join us for this event. A full programme and registration
details can be found at *this link.*

Dr. Clara Fischer
EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the UCD Centre for Gender, Feminisms,
and Sexualities
School of Social Policy, Social Work, and Social Justice
PI, Horizon2020 Project, *GENDEMOTION: The Gendered Politics of Emotion in
Austerity Ireland*
Co-director, UCD Dewey Studies Research Project
Communications Officer, SWIP Ireland <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.swip-2Direland.com_&d=DwIFaQ&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=Oo4TCJF8pXcsWPDC7Sy8bdP2IJ6ZbST0v2xdYtuNH80&m=nj0v-bx-PdPsm-HV8bFb6K7rqllSjjJ3AKnaj74dsq0&s=Cy2363ZhPP1m9L1jcY68SbxsoUeDN5A_vqNTMqs81Vo&e=>


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