Hello All,

I want to make another round of request for nominations (especially
self-nominations). Please contact me if you are someone who is committed to
serving the mission of FEAST (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.afeast.org_mission_&d=DwIFaQ&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=HUp8-bkYMlNgd3ZJBxWBKsBsFAFGHrEZg21p9gxugJA&m=qoGO_6cayHKO8txmPVIW5pO9-6R6JPERmDE6D7jkl2I&s=Uf8ak9PF9zpjTMO1svGSH_s2kPmq9WNHJlTYDhrt34E&e= ) and would
like to be the Chair Elect of the Steering committee.

I also wanted to provide some more detail about what the position requires
of the candidate.

Chair Elect (an approximately 2 year term, ending 12/31/20): This person
will then serve as Chair for a 3 year term from 1/1/21 through 12/31/23.

The Chair Elect is cc-ed on most emails that go to the chair so that they
can learn about what is required for the chair position. The Chair Elect
should attend the steering committee breakfast at FEAST. Ideally, Chair and
Chair Elect should meet up together at the conference as well, to transfer
more knowledge.

The Chair needs to maintain a constant level of attention to try to stay on
top of things.  The majority of the job involves coordinating logistics.
For example, the Chair makes the reservation for the next conference right
as last conference ends. They have to secure program chairs for the next
meeting after the preceding meeting, and note any openings in any other
positions and initiate filling them. The Chair is involved in a lot of
decisions and should expect to spend a significant amount of time on email
to respond to questions. More information can be obtained via request.

All nominations should include a brief biography of 150 words or less, plus
a short narrative of 150 words or less describing the candidate’s interest
in and hopes for FEAST.  Excessively long statements will be cut off, so
please keep to the word limitation. Candidates must be current members
of FEAST by the time the ballot is posted. (To join FEAST, please go to the
website: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.afeast.org_&d=DwIFaQ&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=HUp8-bkYMlNgd3ZJBxWBKsBsFAFGHrEZg21p9gxugJA&m=qoGO_6cayHKO8txmPVIW5pO9-6R6JPERmDE6D7jkl2I&s=qxBDCJ1KMhAxqkTsUyw-lR7F6JiFgDEoXPOu5LLhktk&e=)

New deadline for nominations is June 30th 2019.  Please send all
nominations to Saba Fatima, Chair of the Nomination and Election Committee,
[log in to unmask] with subject line: “Nomination for FEAST”

Thank you!


Saba Fatima
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville


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