I don’t think you have mistaken me for someone else. I have been in a lot of discussions with Bard recently where personal attack became involved, but I never used them over arguments and I very rarely use them in general.  I much prefer civil discussion – in this case however, you were the one who came swinging fists right out the gates.  But I will try to be as civil as humanly possible.

Income isn’t directly tied to skill nor should it be.   Your income is tied to what value you are able to provide in the market. The value is determined by what people are willing to pay for what you are providing.   What value you are able to provide is  therefore indirectly tied to skill, but there are more factors connected to it than that. 

So we should in fact not expect skill and income to be directly correlated.  You can be extremely skilful and not provide something which people are interested in or you have can have relatively low skill and provide something which a lot of people values very highly.  This misunderstanding is your first problem.  Unless you make a living off coercion, your income is based on how much value you are providing I.e what people are willing to pay you.   Skills factor into that, but it’s not the only factor , since value is subjective. 

your argument that certain things are being over-evaluated is also a fundamental misunderstanding of how the market works.  Value is subjective Zac – things are only worth the value they have in the market and value in the marketplace is determined by what people are willing to pay.

Your second problem is that you think inequality is an accurate measure for societal problems. It’s not.  Poverty, suffering, lack of dignity,  exploitation  and so on are actual markers which one can use to analyse if something is wrong in a society.  Inequality is really a bad marker, since it doesn’t tell us anything about whether or not the difference is natural or not and whether or not it’s harmful.  

When harry potter makes billions of dollars that makes the income inequality very high compared to how much the average person makes, but it doesn’t reflect a problem.   People inheriting money also does not reflect a problem at all.  You seem to be very focused on people you think are “ too rich” instead of focusing on people who are suffering because of poverty – that is why I think this is subconsciously childish envy.

Don’t get me wrong – there can be unnatural inequality. If you wanted to make an actual argument, you could argue that legal protectionism has created some unfair advantages for corporations which has led them to be able to hinder competition and therefore get larger market shares than they would in a free market – that is an actual problem.  But inequality in itself isn’t and thus far you haven’t made a single argument as to why.

I recommend that you read “economics in one lesson” by
Hazlitt  or “human action” by Mises.




Fra: Zachary Stein
Sendt: 10. oktober 2019 16:59
Til: [log in to unmask]
Emne: Re: podcast with Andrew Yang


Hi Alexander Elung, 


Perhaps I have mistaken you for someone else on the IDW list. Sorry. 


My sense is if we slowed down we would agree on a few things: 


1). There are very significant skill and capability differences between people. 


2). These are differentially rewarded by the market, such that a certain amount of economic inequality is necessary. 


So far so good. 


My sense is we think differently about:


3). The dynamics of how the market rewards various skills, especially the extent to which there is a strong correlation between the amount of money someone has and their skill levels. ….. I don’t think it is all that strong of a correlation.


4). The amount of inequality that is necessary for the social system to reflect skill differences clearly/functionally, as opposed to amounts and forms of inequality that are result in a misrepresentation of skill differences. …. I think we are in the latter situation. 


But it is possible to read 3 and 4 in terms of a “pure/perfect meritocracy” —as I think you do — which says that people get what they deserve based on their skills and efforts. I wish this was true, and hold it as an ideal. But I do not believe that such a society has ever existed historically. Although, I think we have lived in social systems that perpetrated the idea of a pure meritocracy as if it was true.... 


My notion of *extreme* or “bad” inequality has to do with my take on 3 and 4. I think that the market does not reward skill differences in coherent ways, to the extent that the social system as a whole is beginning to suffer under the strain of over-valuing the wrong things/people. 


Envy is not really the issue (although when it comes to the mob/pitch forks, that is an issue). My concern is with the economy as a kind of sensor network or distributed intelligence, the coherence of which is an aspect of social reproduction; and I am saying that we are in an increasingly confused and incoherent economic situation, *extreme* inequality being one of many bad signs. 





On Oct 10, 2019, at 10:27 AM, Alexander Elung <[log in to unmask]> wrote:


I have never used name-calling over arguments in disagreements.  However, you seem to do so right out of the gate.  Calling something “introductory level political science level stuff” is not an argument at all and you are also dead wrong. 

I completely agree with Bards point  "Don't fiddle with the deep deep human connection between contribution and reward “  but inheritance does not fiddle with that.  Creating an inheritance for your children is a giant motivation for many people, when trying to earn money.   You claiming that is makes inequality “ extreme” is not an argument.   The people who has inherited money are also not at all the problem.  The problem Bard was pointing out was that giving a universal income to people might discourage them to work and thus deflate the economy, .  People who inherit money, often still works and even if they didn’t they wouldn’t drain the system for resources.  You have completely, since the money has to come from something.  You have misunderstood the “contribution/ rewards” connection I’m afraid – all I’m hearing is that you are envious that some people inherit money, without any argument as to why that should be a problem, other than you just subjectively think it’s bad for some people to have more than others.  That’s not an argument. That’s childish envy.

I on the other hand, just gave you a lengthy argument, that poverty actually had been decreasing for three decades and inequality therefor was meaningless in that context.  You can’t just add “ extreme” to that, and expect it to cover the glaring lack of coherence in your non-argument. 

And yes Zac , there are actually skill differences which make people able to make over million times the amounts of money as other people. It’s about how much value you provide and how much the market deems that to be worth.  If you are able to invent something like paypal – that is indeed worth a million times or more than an average worker. If you are able to write harry potter, that might make you a billionaire, because people value your work that much more than the next fantasy writer.   If you don’t understand that, you don’t understand the basics of economy.

So no, Zak, social inequality is not fundamentally different – you just don’t understand how the market works.







Fra: tree of knowledge system discussion <[log in to unmask]> på vegne af Zachary Stein <[log in to unmask]>
Sendt: Thursday, October 10, 2019 3:31:33 PM
Til: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Emne: Re: podcast with Andrew Yang


Hi Alexander Elung, 


Fancy meeting you here. 


Given how I have seen you and Bard interact on other lists, I’ll keep expectations for reasoned discourse low (and instead anticipate some name calling and hand waving as a way of side stepping clear argumentation) ;-) [It seems to me you guys just love freaking out the liberals and leftists and the" church-lady environmentalists and social justice warriors,” as you have called them. I am sometimes all for this, but it leads you to make some not so great arguments sometimes.] 


Obviously inequality is not “bad" in principle. Inequality, by some definition, is a kind of ontological given in the structure of things, including human societies.  


But I should not have to point out how flawed your basic argument is; this is like introduction to political science level stuff. 


Individual differences in e.g., the ability to run fast are naturally occurring, physiologically based differentials in human capability. 


Socially mediated economic and political inequalities are fundamentally different. 


Socially mediated forms of inequality are not a proxy for naturally occurring skill differentials. [This is the myth of *pure meritocracy.*]


I am a developmental psychologist, so I understand this dynamic of individual capability differences quite well, and have written about it at length. Indeed, these naturally occurring differences in ability are one of the reasons we need to ease up on how extreme we make the socially created asymmetries of choice-making power.


I.e., are there *any* skill differentials as great as the economic differentials we see in our society, e.g., can someone be a million times faster than me in a foot race? Can they even be a hundred times faster? See where this goes? 


If we want to represent naturally occurring skill differentials in socially mediated economic terms that is a great idea, let's do that. But this strategy would begin with *drastically* chopping the (ridiculous, unconscionable) salaries of CEOs and financial service worker, and drastically raising the (shamefully low) salaries of people like teachers and nurses, etc.... 


The other Alexander hit the nail on the head, then I hit it again, but you went and missed it: 


"Don't fiddle with the deep deep human connection between contribution and reward is my suggestion.”

Extreme inequality (not *all* inequality) disrupts the connection between contribution and reward. Total absence of inequality—i.e., pure equity—also disrupts this, which is your moment of truth. (Yes, we know: If everyone gets a gold star, this makes gold stars are worthless.) 


But radical economic inequality (especially when based largely on inheritance), is in effect, a situation where the most empowered classes are signaling that there is no connection between contribution and reward. 


As I said, this is a ticking social time bomb. Whether it is “wrong” in some ethical sense is another matter. Just look at the work of Peter Turchin, and you’ll see an undeniable correlation between major socio-economic inequality and major social strife, war, and revolution—especially during the recent history of the modern capitalist world system. 










On Oct 10, 2019, at 8:06 AM, Alexander Elung <[log in to unmask]> wrote:


I really think people need to get around the idea that inequality is the problem.  There is nothing inherently wrong with inequality. If we looked at human “Running speed” we would also find a very high degree of inequality, where a very little group of athletes run faster than everyone else. That doesn’t mean there is a system of oppression keeping the average person from running fast.   What it means is, that people are different and some people will do better than others. All systems has inequality, it’s part of how systems functions.   The graph about inheritance shows nothing relevant to whether or not the degree of inequality is a problem or not.  

The problem is poverty, not inequality and poverty has reduced drastically in the last three decades. The poorest people in the west have access to smartphones, they for the most part aren’t starving and have access to health care.  When you start measuring the things that actually matter, we actually live in a time where real poverty is almost completely eliminated in the west.

So can we stop with the “ inequality has never been higher” narrative ?  It’s meaningless.


I agree with Bard regarding cancelling welfare systems and replacing it with negative income tax. Governments are not good at spending money efficiently, so the less money the government can spend on anti-poverty programs, the better for the poor. Give them the money in hand.






Fra: Alexander Bard
Sendt: 9. oktober 2019 17:33
Emne: Re: podcast with Andrew Yang


Dear Zak


I have no problem whatsoever with a negative income tax för the poor (meaning they get money, not pay taxes).

I actually think it is a lot lot better than current welfare systems. Because the poor as much as anybody know best how to spend their own money.

Then kill the rest of the welfare systems. Excellent.

As for Piketty, he promotes massively taxing the rich. That's not UBI. But then there is the issue of feasibility. I fins his ideas interesting but niave in lack of realism and dynamism. But a great and much needed voice.

What pisses me off the most is the tech giants and their babble about UBI: While they are the biggest tax avoiders ever in history.

Have we ever seen anything more hypocritical than Silicon Valley? Currently full of "climatists" who refuse to give up even on their branded mineral water bottles.

The techlash has hopefully only just begun.


Big love

Alexander Bard


Den ons 9 okt. 2019 kl 15:24 skrev Zachary Stein <[log in to unmask]>:

Totally Helen. Thanks for this. I hear you, and to be clear, I am a supporter of a properly implemented set of radical socio-economic policy changes, including a UBI. 

The problem on this thread is that there are a few things unfolding. One concerns the presidential election and what is being said, by who, and what could actually be done by any elected official, etc. The other issues concern foundational problems in political and economic theory. 

I have very little to say that is not utterly radical about the 2020 election situation...

So I am sticking to the topics in political economy. 

Alexander hits the nail on the head: 

"Don't fiddle with the deep deep human connection between contribution and reward is my suggestion.”

But, my dear Alexander, our fiddling with this connection is already the heart of the problem. We have already deeply fucked it up... This was my point about the *the massive and ever increasing economic inequality.*(!)

Consider this data from Piketty: 


 "Within the cohorts born around 1970-1980, 12-14% of individuals receive in inheritance the equivalent of the lifetime labor income received by the bottom 50% less well paid workers.”   [Let that one sink in.]


"The rise in the top 1% highest incomes since the 1970s is largely due to the rise in the top 1% highest wages” [Note that we have nearly surpassed the Gilded Age in inequality and its speeding up.]

This way of arranging the connection between contribution and reward (i.e., having the most empowered classes signal that there is no connection) is a ticking social time bomb. 

I would say that this kind of inequality is way worse in its net effects than a UBI. 

However, what if a UBI is rolled out and the rest of the situation described in the figures above does not change? Then it is like the aristocrats using cash to pay off a mob wielding pitch forks, knowing full well there is no plan to change the overall arrangement, and that in a few years they will have better defenses. 

A far as I can tell no President is capable of or interested in changing this overall arrangement (sorry Bennie, you’ll need to sell that house in Grand Isle VT). But now we are back to my radical ideas about 2020… 

Crisp morning in the Green Mountains. 


> On Oct 9, 2019, at 8:34 AM, Helen Wu <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> This discussion makes me frustrated. $1000 a month is not enough to cancel work. We are not talking about a $50,000 per year UBI here. It is just enough so you are not going to end up on a downward spiral if there are sudden financial difficulties. Saudi Arabia has a lot more problems than UBI. Not sure if that's the best example. Half of my family is working class and I know so many people who need some money now. They are not lazy and they are not going to lose their souls/spirit. They don't have the time for education. They just need some help so that they can have some breathing space to move on towards their goal. 
> Best,
> Helen
> On Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 5:54 AM Henriques, Gregg - henriqgx <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Zak,
>   What I think we should be investing in is an education of the human soul toward the spirit…now that is a collective universal I could get behind!
> Of course, as a psychotherapist, most of my work is soul work, so I will leave the truly spiritual stuff to the real gurus.
> Best,
> Gregg
> From: tree of knowledge system discussion <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Alexander Bard
> Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2019 3:26 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: podcast with Andrew Yang
> I agree 100% with dear Zachary.
> There actually already exists one massive UBI experiment in the world and you may study it to see how it all went.
> It is called Saudi Arabia.
> Shopping centers full of 29-year-old obese diabetics while foreigners do all the meaningful paid work in the country.
> Is that the sort of society you would want to create?
> Don't fiddle with the deep deep human connection between contribution and reward is my suggestion. And forget that there won't be any jobs in the future. There will tons of them. The question what kind of experiemtial quality they will provide though. But that's an entirely different matter and not a case for UBI (which still has to be paid, massively paid, by somebody as well).
> Best intentions
> Alexander
> Den tis 8 okt. 2019 kl 21:49 skrev Zachary Stein <[log in to unmask]>:
> Hi ToK list, 
> Having published about UBI as a non expert (I am a philosopher of education [UBI is one of my “social miracles”]), I will say that it is dangerous when taken up in isolation from other social programs and especially educational initiatives. 
> Indeed, there are scenarios where the UBI is a true nightmare, and I am not talking about inflation and other economic fallout — I am talking about meaninglessness, de-skilled apathy, addiction, suicide, i.e., total/catastrophic mental health crisis. (The same holds for a so-called "guaranteed work program," if done in isolation from related social programs and educational initiatives). 
> UBI is as much (more so?) an educational/cultural issue then a math problem in economics. 
> Even if we can make the numbers work the real hard problem is making the idea work as a part of the current human identity structure  (i.e., as part of our self-system's role-taking and social justification dynamics). 
> Who am I if I am not a wage laborer? That is the question. If the culture and individual can’t answer that but the economists and politicians go ahead and take away the category of wage labor, well, there will be a society wide equivalent of an identity crisis or nervous breakdown. 
> Of course, the elephant in the room is *the massive and ever increasing economic inequality.* Remember when Piketty was a best seller? The math he laid out is still true. The whole compounding interest thing still holds. UBI may be a nonstarter but something (somebody?) has to give. 
> Instead of justifying UBI to people taking issue, I often ask "what else sounds good that is as radical in its admission of the need for redistribution?” My answer has something to do with an education renaissance/revolution, but that is another story. 
> Fall colors in Vermont.
> zak
> On Oct 8, 2019, at 2:55 PM, nysa71 <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Gregg,
> Here's a link to the Job Guarantee FAQ by Pavlina Tcherneva, Associate Professor of Economics at Bard University and research scholar at the Levy Institute. She specializes in Modern Monetary Theory and public policy, and is one of the foremost experts on the Job Guarantee proposal. Besides the FAQ, there's all kinds of publications and videos on the JG, (plus other topics, including Pavlina's issues with the UBI).
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.pavlina-2Dtcherneva.net_job-2Dguarantee-2Dfaq&d=DwIFaQ&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=HPo1IXYDhKClogP-UOpybo6Cfxxz-jIYBgjO2gOz4-A&m=GnlnhKhfaXgzXHtv49mZRgbwzURspoigX2ZFwCDpoh4&s=s1KIakCBK5p7I-6c0En59v_9nhxsdbJLzDPkw4NeI0w&e=
> ~ Jason Bessey
> Job Guarantee FAQ | pavlina-tcherneva
> On Tuesday, October 8, 2019, 09:41:00 AM EDT, Peter Lloyd Jones <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Bad email program…
> Should be:
> Beyond that there is no substantive threat. 
> Peter Lloyd Jones
> [log in to unmask]
> 562-209-4080
> Sent by determined causes that no amount of will is able to thwart. 
> On Oct 8, 2019, at 9:37 AM, Peter Lloyd Jones <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Thank you Joseph for your note about tempering expectations. 
> As a former mediocre road racer, I have a lot of experience in riding around on race tracks during races. Yang is using his presidential-candidate platform to promote certain ideas. Beyond that there is  substantive threat. O’Rourke has stated that he will take away our guns. They are both introducing progressive concepts because, without blood, politics moves slowly. You need to start somewhere. They know that they have sacraficed their candidacies to mold allowable discussions moving forward. Years ago if you just asked if weed might have medical uses, your political career was over. Today...
> This is about ideas, which might be good and bad ideas, but it’s not about who will be the next president.
> Vote early and often.
> Best to all,
> Peter
> Peter Lloyd Jones
> [log in to unmask]
> 562-209-4080
> Sent by determined causes that no amount of will is able to thwart. 
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