Dear Zak

Except that Hegel is a lot lot lot deeper and smarter than Wilber.
We have still not overcome the Hegelian nation-state as the ultimate
horizon of human organization. This is precisely why globalization driven
by digitalization (not by humans) is causing such enormous havoc and
We will ironically need The Machine to make us love the stranger (the
consequence of Derrida on Hegel). Or only communicate with the stranger in
a way that we can actually handle (Heidegger on Hegel).
Wilber is not even close to anything like that. He just throws some labels
around without any depth. Pop psychology at best, but not philosophy.
I would say that Hegel defines An End to One History. But certainly not to
History as a whole. Because History is neither thought nor written. History
is just what contingently happens. We explored this thoroughly in "The
Netocrats" already 20 years ago. Thankfully self-organizaing enough so far
not to implode entirely.
But I owe the art of thinking in itself entirely to Hegel. Wilber has
merely taught me the driving forces behind Californian new age activism.

Big love
Alexander Bard

Den lör 19 okt. 2019 kl 16:16 skrev Zachary Stein <[log in to unmask]>:

> Alexander,
> Yeah, I knew someone would catch that,  “we all know” line… I got carried
> away ;-)
> Here I was talking about Hegel’s placing himself and his thought at the
> end/pinnacle of history. A lot like what you accuse Ken Wilber of doing,
> where one lay out a dialectal-developmental system, only to put one’s self
> at the top. They also both then look around and justify the
> given/present/actual as rational/good. Hence Hegel’s eventual conservative
> underlaboring for the emerging Prussian state. This was what the Young
> Hegelians were on about. As Habermas notes there were Young Hegelians on
> both sides of the Atlantic, as Peirce and Dewey also questioned if Hegel
> pulled the punch. There is a lot more history left.
> Sunshine and leaves everywhere.
> zak
> On Oct 19, 2019, at 4:34 AM, Alexander Bard <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> what exactly is it that we all know went wrong with Hegel?
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