Dear TOK Society Folks,

  I invite anyone who is interested to attend a large group meeting on the TOK W I I Thrive Community and Project, coming up this Monday at 5:30 pm EDT. We have developed some frames that we hope will be useful and enable folks to share in the vision of this project.

  I will be sending out a zoom link to this list and can send individual links as well about 15 minutes prior to the meeting.

We have put together several videos, some of which we shared previously. Please be aware that we know that there are some problems with audio in the first video. Also, we decided not to worry to much about the color scheme. We will get folks to help us with the “look and feel” in the second or third versions of these videos. Please have a look at them if time permits:

WII Thrive Overview<>
(Mention that we are aware of audio issues in this video)

The Building Blocks of you<>

Framework for Understanding Our Behavior<>

Relational Matrix Overview<>

CALM Attitude<>

Feedback Form link<>

Please Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by going to the link below:<>

Also, feel free to invite anyone who you think would be interested. To give you a preview, we will be discussing how we can frame the large group meeting as a weekly “Educational Transformation Pod” that fosters a community of learners. Then we will have opportunities for “spin off” pods of dyads, triads, quads in a kind of "Thrive Cafe". Or an individual can just think of the large group as the home pod and see if they want to “stretch themselves”.

Thanks to everyone for their reflections and participation up to this point.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Gregg Henriques, Ph.D.
Department of Graduate Psychology
216 Johnston Hall
MSC 7401
James Madison University
Harrisonburg, VA 22807
(540) 568-7857 (phone)
(540) 568-4747 (fax)

Be that which enhances dignity and well-being with integrity.
Check out my Theory of Knowledge blog at Psychology Today at:

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