Hello FEAST,
I am looking for articles or books that make a philosophical argument for why one should be a feminist.
I would appreciate any suggestions.
Thank you in advance!

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Jennifer McWeeny, Ph.D.
Editor in Chief Simone de Beauvoir Studies
www.brill.com/sdbs<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.brill.com_sdbs&d=DwIFAg&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=HUp8-bkYMlNgd3ZJBxWBKsBsFAFGHrEZg21p9gxugJA&m=_4Bnck4KthLcfap5RMdccIF7tDpm3QQWQS_Z2Eo1MTU&s=rurhuulSXTTXLcWsb3qI9tK1acGeusRYNnyHQ6sMmGk&e= >
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Worcester Polytechnic Institute


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