I would say that it is virtually impossible to participate at a regional or state event without being photographed. Many of the photographs of participants are forwarded to FIRST and/or used on our website and promotional material. It would be impossible to use any photographs and ensure her child is not in them. We may have TV coverage at the state tournament so if she has a problem with her child being on camera I don't see how her child can participate.
On 11/10/08 3:59 PM, "Joan Ackroyd" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I have a parent that has problems with paragraph 2 on the consent form. Is
anyone else having this problem? Is it possible for her to sign the consent
form and make a notation that she will not agree to paragraph 2?
How should I proceed?
Joan Ackroyd
(Red Hill / Albemarle County)
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