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August 2010


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Pakistani-American Cultural Society <[log in to unmask]>
Ehsan Ahmed <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Aug 2010 21:22:29 -0400
Pakistani-American Cultural Society <[log in to unmask]>
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I promise this the last posting about Ramadan. I don't want bombard you
mailboxes with too many messages. This is interesting enough to share and
pictures are great if they show up properly in inbox. 



Muslim Egyptian men pray during Ramadan in 2009

Enlarge <javascript:void(0);>  Khaled Desouki/AFP/Getty Images) 

Muslim Egyptian men pray during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan at Cairo's
historic Al-Azhar mosque in September 2009. Some experts say many Egyptians
have lost the meaning of the holy month, spending too much time after hours
partying, eating and watching TV.

Muslim Egyptian men pray during Ramadan in 2009

Khaled Desouki/AFP/Getty Images) 

Muslim Egyptian men pray during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan at Cairo's
historic Al-Azhar mosque in September 2009. Some experts say many Egyptians
have lost the meaning of the holy month, spending too much time after hours
partying, eating and watching TV.

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August 11, 2010 

Most Muslims around the world begin observing the holy month of Ramadan on
Wednesday, a time when they reflect on what it's like to go hungry. They
fast from dawn to dusk, and break the daily fast by sharing food and charity
with those less fortunate, as well as celebrating with family and friends.

Ramadan celebrations are especially famous in Egypt. But this year, the
Egyptian government has added a new twist to the holiday by turning back the
clock just for Ramadan. That way, people end their fast an hour earlier than
they would otherwise, even though the total number of hours they fast will
not change.

Unique Egyptian 'fanous' lanterns on sale in Cairo ahead of Ramadan

Enlarge <javascript:void(0);>  Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson/NPR 

Egypt has Ramadan traditions that are unique in the Muslim world. Among the
most famous are the brightly colored tin and glass lanterns called fanous,
which hang for sale by the thousands in the medieval Islamic quarter of

Unique Egyptian 'fanous' lanterns on sale in Cairo ahead of Ramadan

Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson/NPR 

Egypt has Ramadan traditions that are unique in the Muslim world. Among the
most famous are the brightly colored tin and glass lanterns called fanous,
which hang for sale by the thousands in the medieval Islamic quarter of

Daylight saving time will return once Ramadan ends.

The time change makes spice salesman Hossam Adin Mohammed uncomfortable. He
wonders why Egypt is the only country creating a time zone for the holiday.
Mohammed also hopes it doesn't violate Islamic law.

Nevertheless, he is certain he and other Egyptians celebrate Ramadan the way
the Prophet Muhammad intended.

"Of course we eat a lot, but that is part of the family spirit," he says.
"One night it's at my place, the next night at my sister's, and another
night at my mother-in-law's house."

All the feasting and socializing lead to another less desirable tradition -
the "Ramadan Effect."

We have 30 days of Christmas Eve full of banquets and food.

- sociologist Said Sadek

Each year, the Egyptian economy slumps during the holy month. Workdays are
cut short, and production and stock performance drop. At the same time,
public consumption skyrockets, meaning more imports. Some of the additional
goods go to the needy, as Islam prescribes.

All over the city, private individuals and charities set up colorful tents
packed with free food. Yet too many Egyptians have turned Ramadan into an
exercise in excess, says sociologist Said Sadek.

"We have 30 days of Christmas Eve full of banquets and food," he explains.
"Egypt consumes three times its normal food consumption during the month of

He adds: "They are semi-drugged by media, by food, banquets that are being
held because religion advises that it is better that people eat together."

But even conservative religious groups support the Egyptian festiveness -
within limits.

"Certainly our message to Egyptians during Ramadan is no excessive food and
no excessive partying or staying up way too late, because that's hated by
Islam," says Ali Abdel Fattah, spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood, a
political movement that is officially banned in Egypt.

But he says Egyptians are more pious during Ramadan now than in years gone
by. Even the belly dancers who used to dance for tourists during Ramadan now
abstain, he says, choosing instead to sponsor food tents for the poor on the