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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Sarah Sylvester <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Sun, 21 Sep 2008 16:37:17 -0400
text/plain (36 lines)
Calling all FLL teams!!

We are still looking for teams to represent FLL
at the Virginia State Fair in Richmond.  We are
looking for teams from September 27-October 2.

This doesn't require staying the entire day, we
are asking for a four hour shift (or about).  In
return, your team will receive general tickets
for the Fair.

There will be a table and field set up kit there for
your use, so you can even hold a meeting during
your shift!!  What better way for visitors to see what
FLL is all about!!  If you don't want to have a meeting
at the Fair, why not come talk about how much fun
FLL is and what you are learning!!

We would love to have some more teams present,
so please consider coming.  We realize that much
of the time is during school, so we are especially
looking for Home School teams.  Also, are there any
coaches who would like to come take a shift and
talk about FLL?

Thanks for considering this fun event!!

Sally Sylvester
FIRST Senior Mentor Virginia
Team 11 Coach

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