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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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First Lego League Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
"Alstat, Kathy" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 11 Feb 2008 07:36:26 -0500
"Alstat, Kathy" <[log in to unmask]>
Virginia 4-H has two opportunities for its 4-H members to continue to
learn and develop their knowledge and skills in Robotics!  


 Northern District 4-H will hold its spring Robotics competition on
April 19 at Madison High School, Madison, Virginia.  This competition is
open to enrolled 4-H members ages 9-18, with teams in three age


Junior-must be at least 9, but no older than 11 by September 30, 2008.

Intermediate-must be 12, but no older than 13 by September 30, 2008

Senior-must be 14 by September 30, 2008,, but no older than 19 by
December 31, 2008


I have attached information about the competition. Please note that the
contest will include a combined technical/teamwork interview and a
robotics challenge using the 2007 FLL challenge set.  There will be no
research project and report. 


Also Attached is information about our upcoming pilot LEGO Robotics
contest at 4-H Congress on June 24.  This competition is open to 4-H
members who will be at least 14 by September 30, 2008, but no older than
19 by December 31, 2008.  4-H Teens wishing to compete need to contact
their local 4-H agent in order to sign up for the competition and for
4-H Congress. Please encourage your teens to participate. This is a
wonderful way to allow teen mentors and members who are aging out of the
FLL program an opportunity to continue to learn and build their skills
and encourage more teens to assist younger members!   Teams can consist
of two or more people.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Thanks !  Kathy Alstat



We are also looking for volunteers to serve as judges and helpers at
these competition. Please contact Kathy Alstat at 434 985-5236 or email
[log in to unmask]  if you are interested in assisting with either of these



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