I am looking for a team for my 10 year old avid lego player in VA area.
Where should I start looking for ?
On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 10:56 AM srini srini <
[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> *CAUTION: *This email originated from outside of JMU. Do not click links
> or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is
> safe.
> ------------------------------
> Hello Kaitlin ,
> We missed last year competition due to covid and eager to restart our FLL
> journey again this year.
> We are beginning our team formation and also planning our team workshops
> schedule .
> I am looking for some guidance on the current season for FLL and Junior
> FLL on
> 1. tentative dates for VA regional rounds competitions and
> 2. would it be remote or in person ? .
> 3. When would be able to order the Competition Mats and sets for current
> season.
> 4. What is the age limit for FLL and Junior FLL (rules) and max / min no.
> of team members in each team?.
> 5. Tentative dates, when we would be able to register to competitions /
> choose competition dates?
> Thanks in advance.
> With Kind Regards,
> On Thursday, March 11, 2021, 11:01:47 AM EST, Ilnitzki, Kaitlin - ilnitzks
> <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Thank you for catching that Cathy!
> The two teams that received the nomination spots will find out on *April
> 1st*. VA-DC FLL has until *April 7th* to send those names to FIRST,
> which we plan to send on April 1st once the teams have been notified.
> The teams will have until *April 21st* to complete their project write-up
> that needs to be submitted to FIRST. So the teams would have three weeks
> to work on that!
> As FIRST has extended the season, there have been several deadlines and
> due dates that have shifted! Apologies for the mix up. It has been
> corrected on the VA-DC FLL Global Innovation Awards page.
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__va-2Ddcfll.org_fll-2Dchallenge_team-2Dresources_global-2Dinnovation-2Daward_&d=DwMFaQ&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=k6Oa5GxfBPFMgGjb2r5QIoEOeBZs9xbNIpA0kLw_kFQ&m=NtD76QIph8GANGn0lmO9LnUKIGzJ5rEHDZp1i9f_-To&s=mx083Z5hPmbXvpe6tXUCyVumIuulbg5FKCGS8lNJNBk&e=>
> Kaitlin Ilnitzki
> Assistant Director
> On 3/11/21, 10:35 AM, "Catherine Sarisky" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Super exciting!
> I'm a little concerned to see that the 2200 word written GIA
> submission is due a week after the teams selected will be notified (April
> 1st to April 7th). That's a pretty tight turnaround, especially for
> younger team members who don't exactly crank out text. My kids will want
> to apply anyway, but that's going to make the first week of April into the
> Week of Doom if they're lucky enough to get a nomination.
> I see on FIRST's FAQ page (
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.firstinspires.org_sites_default_files_uploads_resource-5Flibrary_fll_global-2Dinnovation_fll-2Dgia-2Dfaq.pdf&d=DwIFaQ&c=eLbWYnpnzycBCgmb7vCI4uqNEB9RSjOdn_5nBEmmeq0&r=k6Oa5GxfBPFMgGjb2r5QIoEOeBZs9xbNIpA0kLw_kFQ&m=y3dwk11uREhvnQooGExiXIsCWy8R97EbWX598ZH4mq8&s=fvhH3pKrY54uBs_Rb_CqiJ9OzDLBSV5YLGYeYn4YHac&e= )
> that materials are due to FIRST on April 21st. If that's the correct
> deadline, that'd be much kinder to whichever two awesome teams get the
> opportunity!
> Many thanks,
> Cathy
> ------------------------------
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