Team RoboGirlPower asks about removing objects from the field. No, that is
not allowed, by Rule 29
29 - Success, Loss, Failure, and Chaos - Anything your autonomous robot
does to your field outside Base (good or bad) stays that way, unless the
ROBOT changes it. Exception: Rule 50.
n Mission models are not fixed or reset. Stray objects are not moved out of
the robot’s way.
n Cargo the robot loses contact with outside Base is left/stranded wherever
it comes to rest.
So... The robot can ruin its own opportunity to accomplish tasks, and can
even spoil previous results.
But--only your highest match score counts, so don't worry too much about
Update 9 allows the referee to move the Sports mission ball out of the way,
if the team requests it.
The only time that objects are taken off the field is when there is a Cargo
Penalty (Rule 44).
Steve Scherr
VA-DC FLL Referee Advisor
On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 7:31 AM, Team-RoboGirlPower <[log in to unmask]>
> Hi
> Quick question. The key that is placed between Engagement and Cloud
> Access, if the mission fails to pull it off, can it be manually removed,
> taking the penalty, so that it will not be in the way for other missions?
> Also, if the robot knocks off a mission model, can the junk be removed
> manually, again taking the penalty?
> Thank you in advance.
> -Raghu
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