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Anita Murthy <[log in to unmask]>
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Anita Murthy <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 12 Nov 2015 09:23:58 -0500
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More basic questions...below.
Thank you all!  That was great feedback.  Never coached or judged before,
but was thinking along the same lines.  With time and other constraints,
the the whole thing being subjective...Thanks again.

Our kids made 3 posters and a model!!   All kinda related. But largely one
each for project, team work and robotics.   When we go in for Core/robotics
judging, do we take all three posters?


On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 9:02 AM, Brittany Rose <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi Anita,
> As both a coach and someone who has served as a judge at many tournaments
> over the years I would like to second what Sonya said. While I can tell you
> that if a team is clearly at the end of their presentation/skit when the 5
> minutes is up, the judges will often let the kids wrap up, this is not
> guaranteed. If it is unclear that they are at the end or they are running
> over by a significant amount, then they are generally stopped so that they
> can proceed to the Q&A portion. As Sonya said, some judges will stop a team
> right at 5 minutes. The judges - like all of the volunteers you will
> encounter at FLL tournaments - work very hard to give the kids the best
> experience that they can. Trust me, they don't want to have to stop a team
> because it can be very unsettling for the kids!
> The Q&A portion is critical for the judges to gather information that may
> not have been clear in the presentation in order to most fairly evaluate a
> team's project in relation to the others. There is generally very limited
> time available to judges to complete their evaluations between judging
> sessions at the tournament, so it is in the best interest of every team to
> not compress that time any further by knowingly running over.
> Good luck to your team and all teams participating in the upcoming
> tournaments!
> Cheers,
> Brittany
> On Nov 12, 2015, at 8:47 AM, Sonya Shaver wrote:
> Hi Anita,
> I am not sure how the judges would handle it.  It might be different in
> different places.  However, some might stop the kids as soon as the five
> minutes are up.  So I would really work with the kids to cut something out
> and get their presentation down to five minutes.  They can always bring up
> additional points during the Q&A time after their 5-minute presentation if
> there is more they want to share.
> Hope that helps,
> Sonya
> Coach of the Brick Dawgs
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