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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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"Donna L. Cornwell" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Donna L. Cornwell
Tue, 2 Feb 2010 09:28:10 -0500
text/plain (41 lines)
I found sample videos online and I agree, it looks great.  I saw that it 
was available as a classroom license for $265 or bundled with a $299 
coach/mentor online course offered last fall.  Is there a less expensive 
way to acquire it for a lego team?

Donna Cornwell
Lego Eagles Coach

Kathy Molina wrote:
> I love it!
> I took the class up there for a week, went through the video trainer, and highly recommend it, at least as a start.
> I was mainly with other teachers (like me), most of whom use the NXT in their robotics classes and do not compete in the FLL.
> The emphasis is on the programming, as opposed to the building, something I needed. Various challenges are worked into the program.
> If the students are ready for the NXT, they're ready for the video trainer.
> Kathy Molina
> Arlington, VA
> Kathy Molina
> Science 6
> HB Woodlawn
> 703-228-6363
>>>> anne barrat <[log in to unmask]> 02/01/10 1:50 PM >>>
> Hello. Does anyone on the list have experience with the NXT Video Trainer from CMU? If so, for what ages would you say it is appropriate? Many thanks. Anne Barrat 		 	   		  
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