October 2014


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Angie Fontanilla <[log in to unmask]>
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Angie Fontanilla <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 2 Oct 2014 13:42:10 +0000
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Attention FLL/Jr. FLL Soccer Fans!

DC United has invited FIRST teams to promote our programs in the "Tailgate" lot prior to their game on Oct 18th at RFK.  All 4 FIRST Programs are invited to participate.  FIRST is being given several video spots on the Big Screen, PSA announcement(s) and we are working to have at least one of our FRC robots kick/throw-in a soccer ball just off the pitch to the referee at the start of the match.  For FLL and Jr. FLL, this is a great way for your team to share your experiences with others (which is one of our FLL Core Values).

DC FIRST is working on to get deeply discounted tickets to the game for team members.  The price of a ticket is expected to be about $2.00 - 3.00 each for "Team Members" attending with their robot for the Outreach event in the tailgate parking lot prior to the game.  Team member status will be determined by a team's FIRST registration listing. These tickets will be given allocated on a first come/first served basis. We are trying to figure out tickets for team members exceeding the allocated $2.00 - 3.00 ticket mentioned above, student non team members, parents and siblings, etc. It is open to all DC, MD and VA FIRST teams. This is a great opportunity to see a United game at a great price.


Please go to  and register your team. We will be in touch with teams after registration is completed and notify you of your ticket allocation.


2:00 - 3:30  Set-up. Exact time will be a function of the complexity of setting up an activity/exhibit

4:00 - 6:00  Demos and hands-on activities
6:00 - 6:30  Pack-up and distribute game tickets
6:30  Proceed up to the stadium
7:00  Game

General - Guidelines

All teams members should wear their team t-shirts.  You can exhibit your robot and not attend the game, if you so choose. Last year we had many languages spoken including Spanish, Russin, French, Mandarin, Polish, Japanese. If you have langauage skills and are willing to help promote FIRST, we would love to have you to participate.

FLL - Guidelines

We want to have 1 or more FLL tables at the event.  Priority will be given to teams able to bring an FLL table. Teams should bring their research displays as well as their robot.  You can bring the current or previous year research project and robot.

Jr.FLL - Guidleines

Ideally, we will have 1 or more Jr.FLL teams.  Teams should bring their research displays as well as their robot/model.  You can bring the current or previous year research project and robot/model.

For more information about this event, contact Don Brobst at [log in to unmask]

Thank you for supporting FIRST.

Angie Fontanilla
Senior Mentor, Washington, DC, FIRST
V (703) 405-2912 (C)
E [log in to unmask]

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