May 2011


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Sonya Shaver <[log in to unmask]>
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Sonya Shaver <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 2 May 2011 07:40:33 -0400
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Also Gina, if you are thinking your son is still interested in the Junior
FLL for next year, that is even easier.  It really is all done for you.  I
haven't done a Jr FLL team before, but I have heard from others that when
you get the materials, it's all laid out for you what to do each session you
meet with the kids, and so it makes it very easy for the adults.  Good luck!


On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 5:58 PM, Gina Willett <[log in to unmask]>wrote:

>  Hello,
> We attended the expo on Saturday hoping to figure out how to get my son
> (almost 9 years old) in a Lego group, but had no luck. I've been trying for
> well over a year to find a group that he can join -- with no success.   We
> live just north of Richmond, in Ashland Virginia.  My son is crazy for Legos
> and would like to someday be an engineer.   The only Lego club that operates
> through our school starts with 4th graders. He is a rising 3rd grader.  All
> I keep hearing is to "start your own group," but I am not really capable of
> that (sorry, I haven't got a clue about building these things) and my
> husband is bogged down with his job.
> Does anyone have any suggestions??
> I would really appreciate it!!
> Gina Willett
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