Nope, this is not allowable this year.
Rule 19, Storage, Bullet 3: Team members other than the two at the table may not hold equipment.
On Nov 1, 2010, at 9:43 PM, Michael Brown wrote:
> I don;t think we can do this, but it is late and I want to ask any way. Can one of the two team members at the table hand a mission model to a team member not at the table to prep for the next robot run.
> For example one team member at the table handing the three white blood cells to a team member who is not at the table to load into robot arm to run in the next robot run.
> I think that we can't do this, but darn if I can find a rule preventing it. Of course I am tired and need to go to bed.
> Mike
> On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 9:19 PM, Darlene Pantaleo <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Essentially...
> 1. You may touch the robot when it is in base and inactive.
> 2. You may touch anything waiting in base except when the match is starting. At that point, during the countdown, you cannot touch anything.
> 3. You may grab the robot on the field anytime (and incur a penalty), bring it back to base, and restart it. You do not have to wait for the ref to call start, but the ref will be looking to see that your robot has made a clean start. If not, you will have to start again.
> 4. If you are restarting the robot, the same rules apply--you cannot touch anything when making your robot active. Example: One team member has grabbed the robot and brought it back to restart. The other team member is touching things in base when the robot is restarted. This is not a clean start and the ref will recall the robot even though there was no countdown.
> 5. You may not touch anything outside of base aside from your robot and debris from accidental robot damage.
> 6. You may not touch anything inside base that an active robot is touching.
> Hope this helps!
> Darlene Pantaleo
> FLL Judge Advisor
> Maggie Walker
> P/F: 804.745.2493
> On Nov 1, 2010, at 8:48 PM, Brandy bergenstock wrote:
>> 2) For a clean start, Rule 20 says that "YOU may NOT be touching objects the robot is about to move or use," and "YOU may NOT be touching objects the robot is touching," and, of course, Rule 21 says that the team cannot touch the robot just before a start or restart: "You may not handle the robot, or anything it’s about to move or use, during or after the countdown, except for the single action needed to get the program running. Because of these rules, it is highly recommend that the team members not be touching anything in Base at the time or a start or restart.
>> This is unclear to me. Is a clean start a restart after the robot is brought back, or is it the very first time the robot is turned on? I thought I read in LLyod's post that you didn't to wait until the referees told you to start again after handing you the robot. You could start it once it was in base again.
>> Also, the objects we can not touch, are those missions parts on the mat that are not in base then?
>> I'm just trying to make sure I fully understand all the dos and don'ts.
>> Thanks,
>> Brandy
>> On Nov 1, 2010, at 4:34 PM, Lloyd O'Hara wrote:
>>> Paul,
>>> If I'm understanding the question correctly, you would like to know if the team can be work on stuff in base while the bot is out doing its thing. If I am understanding correctly, the answer, as long as it's only the two members at the table, would be yes, its ok. Not only is it ok, its a very sound way to approach things if you ask me.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Lloyd
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: Paul Saksvig
>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>> Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 3:46 PM
>>> Subject: [VADCFLL-L] Handling Things in Base
>>> When the robot is active and out of base can the team members be working on things in base such as loading up attachments - or do they have to wait until the robot is inactive and back in base?
>>> Thanks
>>> Paul
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> Michael Brown
> Y!:nrune AOL:nrune
> GPS: Team Virginia Brown's
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