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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Sonya Shaver <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 19 Aug 2014 12:27:36 -0400
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We have one large fishing tackle box that has several pull out
compartments.  It's sort of like this one:

This is good for taking to tournaments also, to be sure you have extra
parts and pieces.  But, to be honest, on a day to day basis, it is
cumbersome to drag out the individual containers and look through each one
to find the part you need.  So, in reality, most of the parts wind up
getting tossed into one of these tall plastic drawer units and the kids
just dig through and find what they need faster.  Like this:

That is what most of our Legos are in.  I also have one of these that can
mount on the wall:

That is really awesome because you can access the individual compartments
for small pieces faster than pulling out the containers from the tackle
boxes.  If you were really organized and handy with a label maker you could
even label the drawers for super fast finding and cleaning up.  (I am not!)

We are lucky to have a dedicated space to practice and we don't have to
move our stuff, though.  I've been coaching for many years and we have
acquired quite a few Legos, so my storage solutions have changed over the
years.  I would say the most important thing to think about is can the kids
clean up on their own quickly at the end of EVERY practice.  Don't let it
pile up or it will require a day long sorting session.  (Though we've had
many, many of those too!)


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