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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Sender: First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]>
From: Brittany Rose <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2012 16:12:57 -0400
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Reply-To: Brittany Rose <[log in to unmask]>
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Hi Purnima,

What you are experiencing is, I think, fairly common and is hopefully somewhat alleviated by the fact that VA/DC FLL has recently begun to offer regional tournaments over three weekends instead of two (though - for my team - participation in a regional tournament means that my own child and at least one other team member will be missing their last soccer game of the season...there's just no way to find a weekend that is going to be ideal for everyone).  The amount of planning, coordination, and work required from the excellent volunteers who organize the tournaments is immense and has been in high gear for several months, so it isn't at all feasible to change the dates at this point. 

Unfortunately, it also isn't likely to be feasible in future years to push the regional dates back any further because the Championship Tournament is always held early in December.  There needs to be enough time between the regional tournaments and the championship tournament to allow field set up kits and other materials to be transferred from across the state to Harrisonburg, the planning for organizers requires several weeks of lead time after the regionals finish up, and the qualifying teams need time to arrange for attendance.  The timing of the championship tournament isn't likely to change either - JMU's availability to host is strongly tied to their school schedule.  VA/DC FLL holds one of the single largest FLL tournaments held anywhere in the world and JMU and our excellent FLL volunteers put on an incredible experience for the kids.  I'd recommend to all of my fellow coaches that you consider volunteering at the championship tournament if your team doesn't advance - it is a very fulfilling experience that will help make any future coaching endeavors richer.  Plus, it is just a good time!


On Sep 24, 2012, at 3:32 PM, Purnima wrote:

> In my FLL team all the kids are actively involved in sports and I am having really hard time picking a date for the FLL tournament which all team member can attend scheduling is becoming a project in itself :(
> As around same time "first 3 weekend of November" all the sports tournaments are scheduled. 
> Is any other team is having same issue? Does anyone know if we can request dates for tournament like in first week of December?
> Regards,
> Purnima
> On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 1:41 PM, Swayne, Dominic - swaynedd <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> -->**Get Your Order in Today! Registration Closing**
> We anticipate that registration and ordering will be closing early in the day on Tuesday, September 25th EST. Once registration is closed, teams are no longer able to purchase additional materials (including Robot Sets and Field Setup Kits) through the ordering system. If you are looking to register a team or order additional materials, now is the time as we anticipate that registration will be closing early tomorrow.
> Register TODAY:
> -->Coach Calls – “Robot Design” Call TOMORROW
> On Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 7pm ET on the “Robot Design” call, we cover robot building strategies and techniques, the Robot Design rubrics, and the Robot Design Executive Summary.
> Each call can hold 1000 participants, so make sure to join on time. There will be a Q&A after the speakers are done, so come prepared with questions. 
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