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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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"Mark C. Jones" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 10 Nov 2009 08:42:12 -0500
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On behalf of the Hidden Valley Eagles (5418) and the entire group from Roanoke County, I just wanted to say a BIG THANKS to all the people who made the Blacksburg Tournament a great success!  As first timers we really didn't know what to expect...but the staff and volunteers helped guide us through the process and made our first year a success!  I was amazed at how Gracious and Professional all the other teams were, and how quickly we were welcomed into the "family"

Also, as big thanks goes out to all the people on this list, who helped with questions, mailed out DVD's and gave great hints and tricks to make our first year a success! While we didn't advance to the State, we did win the Robot Design Award for division 2!  Most importantly though, we worked as a team, solved problems and I was so proud of my kids for displaying Gracious Professionalism!

We look forward to seeing everyone again next year!!

Mark C Jones

Technology Education Teacher
First Lego League Coach
Hidden Valley Middle School
Roanoke County Schools

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