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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Stephen Scherr <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 19 Nov 2014 00:59:19 -0500
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1). All the necessary pieces will be provided at the table.  There will be
two sets of reverse engineering pieces in Base when you arrive--one to
build the original for the other team, and one for you to make your copy

You must build the original for the other team during your preparation
period after you arrive at the table and before the match starts.  (update

2).  Your team may not open the basket until the robot brings it to Base.
Only the two robot handlers may build the replica model--but robot handlers
may tag in and out (see Update 15).  The replica model isn't worth points
unless the basket is brought to Base.  There's no requirement about when
you build the duplicate--if your team has a guess, you can build it at any

Steve Scherr
VA-DC FLL Referee Advisor

On Tuesday, November 18, 2014, Fredrik Nyman <[log in to unmask]>

> At the tournament you will find the six pieces, the ball, a loop and the
> two mini figs for the Apprenticeship mission in base.
> Don't bring these things to the tournament -- you just want your robot,
> its attachments and the Apprenticeship model.
> 1a - provided
> 1b - in advance, using supplied pieces from referee, who will put it in
> basket and place on opponents field.
> I don't dare answer question 2 :-)
> On Tuesday, November 18, 2014, Ralph Grove <[log in to unmask]
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml',[log in to unmask]);>> wrote:
>> Need clarification/ confirmation on the Reverse Engineering mission steps:
>> 1. Each team builds 'unique structure' and puts it in other teams' basket.
>> Ques: (a) The pieces that the team uses to build the 'unique structure' -
>> will those pieces be provided to them at the match, or does the team need
>> to bring those pieces from home (from project kit)?
>> (b) Can the team build the 'unique structure' in advance of the match and
>> keep it ready; or do they have to build it when the clock starts?
>> (c) If the basket is successfully retrieved, team has to build the
>> replica of the other teams' 'unique structure'. Will the pieces to build
>> other teams' 'unique structure' be also provided - or are the team expected
>> to bring those (from their project kit)?
>> 2. The mission requires basket be retrieved, brought back to the base,
>> and only then the team members are allowed to open the basket and work on
>> recreating the structure. Correct?
>> Thanks!
>> .

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