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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Sender: First Lego League Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 10:27:27 -0400
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From: Sally Sylvester <[log in to unmask]>
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Hello VA/DC FLL friends,

The Green GLOOOCS have returned, and what an amazing experience we had
at Worlds!!!!!!  It was incredible to meet teams from 26 different 
countries around
the world as well as from all around the United States.  It was 
fascinating to learn
about what other teams studied as well as to learn about so many other 
cultures!!  The spirit and the energy was unbelievable!!  Everyone was 
having the
time of their lives sharing with each other what they learned, how they 
their community, and how they made a difference.  Teams shared not only 
they learned during their "Climate Connection", but about their home 
and the traditions, culture, food, entertainment, etc.

We will get some pictures out on the list serve soon for everyone to
see.  As you'll see, the Green GLOOOC was quite the hit and teams ended
up putting buttons and flags on him.  Dean Kamen even signed the Green 
and posed for a picture with him.  As we were representing DC as well 
as Virginia,
we were able to get President Obama to come along, and teams loved 
posing for
pictures with him!!

We competed hard, but most importantly had fun on the final leg of our
four year journey. Although our robot runs were very disappointing, we 
did come home with
a 3rd place trophy for Creative Research Presentation so were very 
excited about
that!!  We couldn't think of a better way to end an unbelievable four 
years, than to have
had the honor of representing VA/DC at this incredible event!!  The 
GLOOOCS have many,
many fond memories from Worlds that will last their lifetime!!

We want to thank Bill and Susan Duggins and congratulate them on the
Outstanding Volunteer Award.  Also a huge thanks to Karen Berger and Sam
LaPlante for their hard work and dedication!!  It was great to see so 
many VA/DC FLL
faces working so hard in Atlanta.  Thanks to the Botbrains and the Robo 
Rubiks for
coming and cheering us on, it was wonderful to see you all!!

This was the grand finale for the Green GLOOOCS (formally the HomeWood 
the NANORATS, and the OTEC Lobsters) and what a grand finale it was.  We
have had the greatest four years in FIRST LEGO League and have had so 
experiences that would never have been possible if it hadn't been for 
FLL!!  We
have become inspired about Science and Technology, we have learned 
incredible amounts
about all the fascinating topics, we have learned what it means to work 
as a team,
we have learned how to carry Gracious Professionalism into our everyday 
lives, and
we have become passionate about educating our community and making a 
Most importantly however, we have met so many friends and have had so 
much fun along
the way!!  We have been inspired by so many teams and want to thank you 
all for that!!

Watch soon for some pictures of the team and the Green GLOOOC!!
THANKS for providing so many wonderful memories for this team!!

Sally and Bill Sylvester and all the Green GLOOOCS - Team 11

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