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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Jill Satterfield <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 23 Nov 2014 09:30:04 -0500
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Congrats to G-CUBE PLUS! So great to see your team's excitement!

Thanks to the Chantilly Tournament orgranizers and volunteers from Team Lego Kittens, too. We are also a 6-girl rookie team and we had a very challenging 2 weeks before tournament, with half of our team sick and missing school and meetings. We were even considering forfeiting the robot competition and just focusing on the research project, since we spent most of the season on the research project. 

But the team insisted that they wanted to give the robot competition a try. So we thought, okay, maybe they can at least get one mission completed, just for the experience. But no, they programmed for 4 missions, and were successful at all 4 in various runs. Unfortunately, they didn't succeed at all 4 on the same run, but that's okay. :) Very proud of these girls!

And they were absolutely thrilled to win the Judge's Award. They had such a wonderful experience at their first tournament. And they are fired up for next season!

Jill Satterfield
Assistant coach for Team Lego Kittens

On Nov 23, 2014, at 1:15 AM, Venkat Belde <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> A big thank you from team "G-CUBE PLUS" to the tournament director, judges, referees, and volunteers of chantilly tournament for wonderfully organizing the event. We are a 6-girls rookie team and we walked in with so many questions but went home with a amazing experience and a first place trophy in robot design. Thank you for organizing it so well. We definitely want to come back next year!
> Team " G-CUBE PLUS" - 2371
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