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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Glenn Roberts <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 13 Jun 2008 18:21:20 -0400
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I'm compiling data on how FLL teams fund their participation.  We would like
to petition our PTA for support funds but to help build our case would like
to have some data on how teams are funded.  If you reply directly to me (not
the whole list) with your team's answer to the following questions I'll
happily summarize the data back to the group.


Question 1:  what is your team's annual budget (including purchase of kits,
software, entry & registration fees, tee shirts, etc.)?


Question 2: Where do those funds come from (break out by $ or percentage;
feel free to add other categories):


-          Contributions from parents of team members: ______

-          Contributions from school PTA: _______

-          Contributions from school's budget: ______

-          Contributions from sponsor companies/organizations/benefactors:

-          Earnings from fund raising activities: ______

-          Donated goods and equipment: _____

-          Funds from educational grant programs: ______

-          Other (specify): ______________________________




-          Glenn Roberts

-          Belmont Station Elementary

-          Ashburn, VA


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