Mon, 6 Sep 2010 13:04:04 -0400
Hello to FLL teams in Virginia and the District of Columbia!
I am the VA/DC FLL Referee Advisor for this year's Body Forward challenge. I can help you find answers to questions about this year's Robot Game in the four game documents, and I'll let you know if we need to have any rulings specific to VA/DC FLL.
To get things started, I'd like to point out one Rule and one Mission:
Rule 1: READ EVERYTHING - All else held equal, experts on the four main documents of the Robot Game do better and have more fun. Read these well, and come back to them often: Field Setup, Missions, Rules, Rulings.
You are currently reading the “Missions” document, which is only about half of what you need to know in order to do your best at a tournament. There are three other documents your team needs to become experts on:
The Field Setup, the Rules, and the posted/updated Rulings. Invest a meeting to go over them, even if you’re a veteran team. Ask about anything that’s not clear.
MISSION: Read all four robot game docs, and go over them often. They’ll mean more to you each time.
What's the point? Each of these documents has information that will help your team to do its best and not have surprises at a regional or championship tournament.
Here is a getting started tip for this year's game:
Mat setup--center the mat in the east-west direction (between the short walls). Align the mat so there is no gap between the mat and the South wall.
The compass that shows directions on the mat is in the northwest corner of the mat, past the artery. The doctor starts there.
Steve Scherr
VA/DC FLL Referee Advisor
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