Sat, 25 Sep 2010 16:37:01 -0400
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I am an art teacher by trade, and I have done this method with k-12th
graders in class and in summer camps. It's awesome. Just be sure the
design is not too intricate. Good artist will be able to get fine lines, but
your average Joe should stick to block line designs, similar to the one on
the instructable.
In our team, we have as many ppl as want submit a design, vote for one,
and one person makes the silk screen. Each child gets to pull their own
shirt in whatever colors they want the design to be in. The shirts are all
the same colors. I have found there is no trouble finding or connecting with
other teammates, even when the color of the design is different, as long as
the shirts are the same color. Black shirts work well in silk screening, so
you don't have to go for light colors. We use screen printing inks from
Jerry's artarama (jerrysartarama.com). One container would be enough, but
if this is something you can use again, go for the variety pack of colors
(only $15 plus shipping), and you can pull about 60-75 designs.
If you had sponsors, you might be able to just gt those iron on
applications from Micheal's art or crafts or Joann's fabrics. I believe a
sponsor logo might not come out well in this medium.
Good luck,
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