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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Sally Sylvester <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 22 Sep 2009 18:14:33 -0400
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 Hello FLL teams,

I hope that everyone is having a great time with the Smart Moves season!!

I know you are all busy, but wondered if any teams want to take some time 

for a fun team building activity - the State Fair of Virginia!!

All the FIRST programs will be at the fair, and we are looking for FLL teams

to come and talk about their experiences with FLL.? We understand you may

not have any missions solved yet, and that is fine.? Come and bring the robot

you have so far and talk about the missions, the research, the robot you are

building, and the fun you have with FLL!!

If your team comes for a four hour shift you'll get passes to the fair!!

Your entire team does not need to come, even if only 2-3 team members

can make it.? Your team can also split up and half talk about FLL, half walk around

the fair and then switch.? When you are all done, you can all enjoy the fair together!!

When:? Thursday, October 1 - Sunday, October 4

TIme:? 10:00 - 8:00 (4 hour shifts)

Where:? The new location near Kings Dominion off I-95

Please let me know if you have any questions or are interested in participating.

Students would also qualify for community service hours for their school.

Many thanks,

Sally Sylvester

FIRST Senior Mentor Virginia

FLL Coach:


HomeWood CF-Als


OTEC Lobsters


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