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Sender: First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2016 10:22:43 -0500
Reply-To: Frank Levine <[log in to unmask]>
Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
From: Frank Levine <[log in to unmask]>
Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=089e0103e04e1c9f64054144732f
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MIME-Version: 1.0
Comments: To: Laurie Atkinson <[log in to unmask]> cc: "<[log in to unmask]>" <[log in to unmask]>
Parts/Attachments: text/plain (8 kB) , text/html (16 kB) , image002.jpg (22 kB)
  Guiding Principle's 2 and 3 should give you (and your team) team peace of

*GP2 – Interpretation*

   - If a detail isn’t mentioned, then it doesn’t matter.
   - Robot Game text means exactly and only what it plainly says.
   - If a word isn’t given a game definition, use its common conversational

*GP3 – Benefit of the Doubt* - If the Referee (Ref) feels something is a
“very tough call,” and no one can point to strong text in any particular
direction, you get the Benefit Of The Doubt. This good-faith courtesy is
not to be used as a strategy

The rules never said anything about bumping the bee, so it doesn't matter.
My team saw both of these principles in action on Saturday, and I'm
confident that you will see them at your tournament too.  The judges and
refs *want* the kids to have a good time.  Also, your kids don't have to
have every rule memorized, but having the text of the rules printed out
(and knowing where to look in the event of a question) is always a good

My $0.02

-Frank Levine
Coach - The Brick-taters

On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 10:01 AM, Laurie Atkinson <[log in to unmask]>

> A huge thanks for all of your wisdom and graciousness, Steve!
> As a junior coach with only FLL Trash Trek and a junior FLL season under
> my belt, I am paranoid that my team is going to DQ based on MY misreading
> or misunderstanding the rules/missions. My seven team members are only 9
> and 10. I know they are responsible for memorizing the rules and missions,
> but they are going to look to me if we misinterpret a rule and DQ because
> of it. I would never want to crush their spirit by making a fatal error.
> They asked the other day what would happen if we accidentally hit the bee
> on our way to the milk mission. I told them that the rules don’t
> specifically state a penalty for accidentally knocking another mission out
> of place, but it then stays where it is until the end of the match;
> actually breaking it would be another story. Then, after dreaming about
> LEGO robotics, I woke up around 4 in the morning, thinking I’ve only been
> doing this one year. What if I have misread something? What if I gave them
> the wrong advice? What if we lose points? They are going to say, “But you
> said….” and then they will likely never forgive me. And then, of course, I
> could not go back to sleep.
> So, I just wanted you to know how MUCH you are appreciated by all of us!
> I can only imagine how much time it takes you to respond to all of these
> questions and how you likely need to get back to a day job too. Thank you
> for helping to ease newbie coach anxiety!  I am sending you a virtual
> bouquet of flowers for your hard work!!!!
> Laurie Head Atkinson, Nuckols Farm Foxbots
> *From:* First Lego League in Virginia and DC [mailto:[log in to unmask]
>] *On Behalf Of *VA-DC Referee Advisor
> *Sent:* Sunday, November 13, 2016 7:39 PM
> *To:* [log in to unmask]
> *Subject:* Re: [VADCFLL-L] FW: [VADCFLL-L] Food delivery tactic
> Just to be clear, most of my answers to questions are focused on what is
> allowable for this year's Animal Allies Robot Game.
> Sometimes that isn't the real question that coaches and teams are asking.
> They are interested in strategy--is this a good idea?  Are there any
> adverse consequences?  There are many things that are allowable in the
> Robot Game that the team might not really want to do.  (For example, hold
> the robot over their heads for 45 seconds.  I'm not sure when that would be
> a good idea, but it is definitely allowable.)
> So, building boxes, palettes and other containers as team Equipment (D03)
> is allowable.
> If the robot strands an object on the Field completely outside of Base,
> then that object stays where it is (R15).  So, if your Robot is using a
> container, it is allowable for that container to end up outside of Base.
> There are some missions where a container could affect scoring.  M14, Milk
> on Ramp, is definitely one, and M05, Biomimicry, could be affected, too.
> Otherwise, most of the Missions require things to be "completely in"
> various areas, and being in a container does not affect whether an object
> is "completely in" an area (although the container might make things harder
> to see during scoring.)
> R14 and R15 and the rules that talk about Penalties, and most of the
> adverse consequences of team actions.  Neither of them mention containers.
> So, what's the bottom line?  The Nuckols Farm Foxbots asked about using
> containers in the Robot Game, and the answers were pretty clear that it is
> allowable.
> Is it a good idea?  I wrote a lot, but I didn't give a straightforward
> answer to that implied question, however everything that you need to know
> is in the text of the Rules and Missions...
> Steve Scherr
> Virginia-DC FLL Referee Advisor
> On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 1:11 PM, Laurie Atkinson <[log in to unmask]>
> wrote:
> Thank you. So building a box or a palette for food delivery would be okay
> as long as the mission model (food piece) is not attached, correct?  And it
> would be okay to leave that box on the playing field with the food in it?
> *From:* First Lego League in Virginia and DC [mailto:[log in to unmask]
> <[log in to unmask]>] *On Behalf Of *VA-DC Referee Advisor
> *Sent:* Saturday, November 12, 2016 10:11 PM
> *To:* [log in to unmask]
> *Subject:* Re: [VADCFLL-L] Food delivery tactic
> Whenever your team wants to combine or bind a Mission Model with something
> else, be sure to check the test in bullet two of R11, Mission Model
> Handling:
> ·         If you combine a Mission Model with something (including the
> Robot), the combination must be loose enough that if asked to do so, you
> could pick the Mission Model up and nothing else would come with it.
> Each of the individual food pieces is a separate Mission Model, so the
> team is not allowed to "tightly" bind them together.
> In my experience, most of the time that teams first consider connecting a
> Mission Model to something else, it isn't allowable.  Then, if the team
> thinks about the rule, they can figure out something that is allowable.
> Steve Scherr
> Virginia-DC FLL Referee Advisor
> On Sat, Nov 12, 2016 at 10:00 PM, Laurie Atkinson <
> [log in to unmask]> wrote:
> For the food delivery mission, we’d like to stack two like colors of food
> together and then bind them with a simple LEGO peg that we’ve made to
> prepare them for delivery. The robot then goes out to the field to deliver
> the bound pairs to the targets. This is not manipulating the fridge mission
> model itself but rather the loose pieces that are in play. This is okay,
> yes?
> -          Laurie Head Atkinson, Coach, Nuckols Farm Foxbots
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