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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Sender: First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2015 10:20:25 -0400
Reply-To: Scott Rakestraw <[log in to unmask]>
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From: Scott Rakestraw <[log in to unmask]>
Comments: To: [log in to unmask]
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I have had some questions about posters that could benefit the group.  No
posters are required but they can be helpful.  Do what works best for your
team based on experience, time, resources and age.   All judging is done
using a rubric, which can found at 
ned-rubrics-2015.pdf.   As a team, it is important to understand the rubric.
Below are some poster guidelines that might be helpful for teams that is
based on what you typically see at tournaments. 


Pit Area:

Teams will setup a trifold poster in the pit area.  It can be about the
different aspects of the team - project, robot, people, etc.   There are no
guidelines for this poster and it is not required.  It is very beneficial
for getting to know other teams and for sharing your season.  A majority of
teams have pit area posters.  


Robot Design:

For technical, a poster or tri-fold is helpful to articulate the aspects of
the technical rubric - Mechanical Design, Strategy, Programming and Strategy
& Innovation.  At a minimum, have print outs of the programs to discuss.
It is not uncommon to see a technical notebook.   For robot design, be ready
to run missions.  To optimize your team's time, have the robot on and ready
to run to missions.  


Core Values:

No Core Values poster is required.  A core values poster can help the judges
learn about your unique story and how your team embraced core values. 



Each team has 5 minutes to present their project.  You can do this with
posters, skits, sock puppets, etc.   The key is for the presentation to
cover the Project Rubric and be 5 minutes.  The focus here is the
presentation and only do a poster if it is part of your presentation.  


Information Sheet

For judging rooms, please bring in the Team Information Sheet.  The template
is available at 
nfoSheet-fixed-12-2-11.pdf.  Each team needs a minimum of 4 copies, one for
the registration and one for each judging room.  These are very helpful for
remembering teams.  



Scott Rakestraw

Judge Advisor


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