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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Sender: First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]>
From: Laura Dysart <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 21:04:23 -0400
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Reply-To: Laura Dysart <[log in to unmask]>
Parts/Attachments: text/plain (6 lines)
I have a memory that some informational DVD's come with the Field Set up kit every year if I am recalling correctly. I most likely will not have our field set up kit on time for our first meeting/orientation this Saturday.  Is there anyone in RIchmond, VA who could lend me the DVD or DVDs just for Saturday- I would pick it /them up and could have it/them back to you same day.  I also want to say a huge thanks- in response to my field set up kit issue- I had two teams from Northern Virginia offer to lend me one until we got ours- one team even offering to fedex one to me.  We will be fine waiting a little longer, but the gestures were very moving to me as the incident has been stressful as this is my 6th year coaching  and first time I have had an issue- I am just adjusting to the newness of the registration- actually thought I had it all right- don't want to disappoint my team- will be on top of it all next year.  Laura 

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