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First Lego League in Virginia and DC


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Sender: First Lego League in Virginia and DC <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2015 15:58:13 -0400
Reply-To: VA-DC Referee Advisor <[log in to unmask]>
Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
From: VA-DC Referee Advisor <[log in to unmask]>
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Comments: To: VADCFLL-L <[log in to unmask]>
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Rule GP5--Info Precedence
  Pictures and video have no standing, except when referred to by text in
#1, #2, or #3.

Note that the Robot Game Update also reminds you of this
The robot game video is misleading about this – sorry – this is why Rule
GP5 tells you to pay attention to TEXT and NOT VIDEO.

The teams that are most successful at the Robot Game, re-read and review
the Rules, Missions, Update, and Field Setup frequently.  Once you've been
doing things for a while, going back to the text can show you problems or
give you new ideas.

Steve Scherr
Virginia-DC FLL Referee Advisor

P.S.  I did finally watch the video last night, just for fun.  I didn't
need to, since saying "I saw it in the video" will never help a team
succeed in a discussion with the referee.

On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 10:57 AM, Thomas (Tweeks) Weeks <[log in to unmask]
> wrote:

> JMU Security Warning: The message below contains a link to a non-JMU
> service where fraudulent sites are often found. DO NOT TYPE JMU PASSWORDS
> INTO THE SITE. Do not click the link unless you're sure the site serves a
> legitimate purpose known to you.
> ------------------------------
> yup. and after sending this email.. I saw how more "legal ways" of doing
> it:
> <>
> I'll have the kids re-read that set of rules.
> Thanks
> Tweeks
> ------------------------------
> *From:* [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]> on behalf
> of Lord Of The Bricks <[log in to unmask]>
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 8, 2015 10:54 AM
> *To:* Thomas (Tweeks) Weeks
> *Cc:* [log in to unmask]
> *Subject:* Re: [VADCFLL-L] Collecting Demolition Bars
> The one thing I noticed in this video is that it stresses that you must
> push the red lever to demo the building.  The rules state:
>  "Basic Mission Description: Demolish the Building and decide what to do
> with the materials.
> ●● Specific physical requirement, visible at the end of the match:
> • Value: 85 None of the Building’s twelve beams is left standing in Setup
> position.
> There is no specific mention of the red lever, so, it is not a requirement.
> Also, the rules state:
> R12 – Launching – A proper Launch (or re-Launch) goes like this:
> ●● Ready Situation
> • Your Robot and everything related to its next Autonomous period are
> arranged as desired and all completely
> contained within and under the limits of BASE.
> • The Ref can see that nothing in Base is moving, and *that you’re not
> touching anything.*
> ●● Activation Method Options
> • ACTIVE: Reach with one hand and touch a button or signal a sensor to
> prompt a program.
> • PASSIVE: Do nothing and allow a running program to resume.
> SPECIAL CASE: Match Start – In this case, the exact time to Launch is the
> beginning of the last word/sound in the
> countdown, such as “Ready, set, GO!” or BEEEEP!
> ●● The properly Launched/re-Launched Robot is Autonomous until you
> Interrupt it.
> ●● Every change completely outside Safety caused by the Robot stays that
> way.
> ●● Except: The Robot may change its own changes.
> ●● *You are not allowed to cause anything to leave or even extend out of
> Base except by Launching/re-Launching.*
> ●● If you accidentally propel something out of Base, that’s okay to
> recover immediately without disturbing the Field.
> Therefore, extending something from base that is not attached to the robot
> is not allowed.
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 10:39 AM, Thomas (Tweeks) Weeks <
> [log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Hey all..
>> So we were watching this video on collecting the bars for the demolition:
>> <>
>> (see 1:34)
>> and were wondering.. how involved can the operator be in the deployment
>> of a gathering gate like that?
>> Rules state:
>> ● You are not allowed to cause anything to leave or even extend out of
>> Base except by Launching/re-Launching.
>> Does this mean that the robot MUST launch a collection arm into the field
>> like that.. or can an operator set up the arm to passively "fall" (from
>> base) into the field?
>> Tweeks
>> ------------------------------
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> --
> Shari Robinson
> Head Coach
> Lord of the Bricks Robotics
> FIRST Tech Challenge Team 7039
> FIRST Lego League Team 9076
> Jr. FIRST Lego League Team 933
> <>
> <>
> Facebook:
> <>
> <>
> Twitter: @LordoftheBricks
> YouTube: 
> <>
> Homeschool Resources Group
> 2323 Westwood Ave
> Richmond, VA 23230
> 804-410-4474
> <>
> Facebook: 
> <>
> ------------------------------
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